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TechFest 2023

Broadcast Tech Events

What Clients Look For in a Post House

29 Nov 2023
Post Production Forum - 29 November
Production houses honestly discuss what differentiates one post house from another and what the key factors are for them in their choice of post production partner. Is it about location? Talent? Cost? The level of pampering provided? The ability to work from anywhere and with anyone? The kit list at a facility? The décor and finishing of the editing, grading and audio suites? Do they choose a full-service post house or a series of boutique specialists? In-house post vs independent post house, and so on.
Charlotte Wheeler, Director - Broadcast Tech & Sport Group
Tom Cook, Executive Producer - Windfall Films
Gemma Nicholson, Co-Founder - Post Super
Nick Godwin, Creative Director - BriteSpark Films


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